Slough Conservative Group News – February 2013
1. Budget approvedThe 2013/4 budget for the council was approved at Council held on 19th February. Significant changes to council tax and rent:- Council tax to increase by 1.9%
- Council house dwelling rents for 2013/14 increase by an average of £4.17p per week (4.5% average increase) resulting in average weekly rent of £96.77p per week, with effect from Monday 1st April 2013.
- Garage rents for 2013/14 increase by 2.6% with effect from Monday 1st April 2013, based on the September RPI figure used in rent setting
- Service charges for 2013/14 increase by 3.1% with effect from Monday 1st April 2013.
- Heating, utility and ancillary charges increase by 2.6%, based on the September RPI figure used in rent setting.
- That other committee property rents increase by 4.5% in line with the average increase of all housing properties.
2. Transport Asset Management Plan (TAMP)
Transport Asset Management Plan (TAMP) ‘Lite’ document reflects the strategy, policies and operational standards for managing and maintaining the Council’s highway assets has been approved by Council. The ‘Lite’ reference relates to a streamlined approach recently encouraged by the Department for Transport (DfT). It will be published for public access onto the Council’s website. The highway maintenance budgets be assigned to works in accordance with the principles of the TAMP.
3. Local Welfare Provision
Local Welfare Policy will be implemented in line with the Welfare Reform Act 2012 which ends the current DWP provision of community Care Grants and Crisis Loans and transfers funding to Local Authorities from 1 April 2013.
4. Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service
Slough is part of a joint arrangement with Berkshire LAs for the provision of education services for children with sensory needs. The joint agreement with the Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service will be renewed for a further three years from April 2013 with the option to extend for an additional two years subject to the exploration of alternative delivery models.
5. Superfast Broadband Project
SBC will enter into the Berkshire Councils’ Collaboration Agreement for the Superfast Berkshire project. That West Berkshire Council will lead support and implement the proposed Superfast Broadband Project.
6. Customer and Community Services – Horsemeat Scandal
SBC continue to monitor the information from the Food Standards Agency on a daily basis. A national co-ordinated sampling plan has been rolled out with 28 local authorities taking part, Sloughs involvement has not been requested at this stage. However, SBC prioritise audits to all butchers/grocery stores producing meat products at local level in Slough. This will be done in the next two weeks and samples will be taken where there are concerns regarding the origin of meat products sold in Slough. A press release will go out shortly reminding local businesses of the steps that they can take to ensure the integrity of their meat supplies.